Posted by: wfloydk | January 10, 2010

Description of White-out

Today’s band practice was horrible.  People were making dumb mistakes left and right; so much, that by the end of rehearsal, I felt like white-out.  For instance, Blake went the wrong way at “E” and I had to scream at him to go the other way. When I got home, I felt used and dry, like yelling at people had been my sole purpose that day.  Now I was basically useless. Perhaps I am only as good as white-out, never to fully fix anything.


  1. One day after a test, my teacher started putting random objects on the ground as the class watched with weird looks. My teacher then went on to tell us to pick an object and to write at least a paragraph describing it. I was a little hesitant at first, so I ended up with white-out. I had no real idea of how to go at this assignment, so I just went with any random idea I had, with this entry being my result.

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